Frequently asked questions

You have any further questions? Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions. Did you not find the answer and do you already work for ABflexkracht? You can find a welcome booklet on your web portal, in which you can also find further information.

Or contact our staff in person or by email Call +31 (0)297-383400 or email You can do this in English, Polish or Dutch.

What do I need to register and get started?

You can register by using the registration form. A valid European ID or passport is necessary to start working in the Netherlands.

Do you also arrange housing?

If you do not have your own housing, we can arrange it for you. Of course, our housing meets all legal requirements in terms of space, privacy, safety and hygiene. We ensure that the housing is close to your work location.

How do I get to work?

Own transport: if you own a car and the employer's collective labour agreement stipulates a kilometre allowance for commuting, your travel expenses will be compensated.
Do you have a driving licence, but no own transport: we can provide you with a car.
Cycling to work: we look for housing near your work location, so you can cycle to work.

How do I report my hours?

You can submit your hours by logging in to our portal. There, you can also find all information on the payment of your salary.

I am sick, what should I do?

If you are sick, you must report sick to the company where you are working before you start work, no later than 09:00 hours. Then contact Support at ABflexkracht: 0297-383424.

I want to go on holiday, what should I do?

You must always apply for leave in advance. You do this through the employee portal. After the request has been placed in the portal, it will be processed and discussed with your client. When there is agreement from both the client and ABflexkracht, holiday entitlements are paid.

When is my salary paid?

Your salary will be paid weekly on Thursday. You will then receive the salary for the previous working week.

I have questions about my payslip

If you have questions about your payslip, you can call ABflexkracht Support on working days between 08:00 and 16:00 hours: 0297-383424.

Where can I find my wage slips and annual statement?

You can find these documents on your web portal. The annual statements of the previous year are visible in the web portal from February.

You are important!

At ABflexkracht we are happy to answer all your questions! So not hesitate to ask us.

Employee ABflexkracht Emilia
Support employee
Vrouwelijke productiemedewerker met bak met bloemen.