Our core values

The 4 core values of ABflexkracht fit seamlessly with our cooperative basis. We are committed, reliable, connecting and on the move.

We are committed to our members, clients and workers. We work together for the success of our clients and members. The success of our clients and members is also our success!

We are reliable. We put our knowledge and experience to work for the success of our members and clients. If we agree on something, we deliver. We are a reliable employer for our permanent staff and temp workers.

We are connecting. The cooperative connects members, clients and workers. Together, we ensure continuity on the farms, in many situations where extra workers are needed: from replacement in case of incapacity for work to absorbing labour peaks.

We are on the move: we know the developments in the agricultural and horticultural sectors inside out. The same applies to developments in the areas of temp work, recruitment and selection. We are constantly innovating and training workers in order to provide members and clients with the right services now and in the future.

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