Cao for temporary workers in the Netherlands

Are you working through ABflexkracht as a temporary worker? Then you are guaranteed excellent employment conditions. We operate under the ABU-cao for Temporary Workers. This cao ensures that everything is properly arranged, so you can work in the Netherlands under fair and transparent terms.

What is a cao?

A cao is a Collective Labor Agreement. It contains agreements about your employment conditions in the Netherlands. These agreements cover essential aspects such as:

  • Your salary
  • Working hours
  • Bonuses and allowances
  • Vacation days
  • Training opportunities
  • Pension contributions

The agreements in the cao apply to all employees within a specific company or an entire sector.

ABU-cao for temporary workers in the Netherlands

If you work in the Netherlands as a temporary worker through ABflexkracht, you are covered by the ABU-cao for Temporary Workers.

What does this mean for you?

Equal pay: You earn the same as permanent employees performing the same job.
Bonuses and allowances: These are arranged for you just as they are for your colleagues.
Phased system: The ABU phased system determines how long you can work as a temporary worker. The longer you work, the better your conditions become.

Inlenersbeloning in the Netherlands

Under the ABU-cao, your pay and benefits are aligned with those of employees in the sector where you are working. This is called the inlenersbeloning (hirer’s remuneration). It consists of the following 10 elements, as defined in Article 16 of the ABU-cao:

  • Salary
  • ATV/ADV days
  • All bonuses and allowances (e.g., for shifts or irregular hours)
  • Wage increases
    All expense reimbursements
  • Periodic increases (based on experience or tenure)
  • Reimbursement for travel time and/or travel hours
  • One-off payments (e.g., bonuses)
  • Work-from-home allowances
  • Fixed year-end bonuses

We ensure that your contract complies with the correct cao and that the inlenersbeloning is applied accurately, so you receive what you are entitled to.

Questions or need help?

Would you like to know more about your cao or the phased system? Contact your dedicated point of contact. You can also call or email our account managers and relationship managers. We’re here to assist you.

Ready to start in the Netherlands?

Do you want to work in the Netherlands under the right conditions? Fill out our online form and quickly start a job that suits you.

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