What will you earn as a Polish worker in the Netherlands in 2025?
Are you a Polish worker considering working in the Netherlands through ABflexkracht? You probably have many questions. How much will you earn? What are the employment conditions? And what does your future look like if you stay longer? With over 50 years of experience, we’re here to guide you. In this article, we provide all the up-to-date information you need for 2025.
Starting with the minimum wage in the Netherlands in 2025
As of January 1, 2025, the statutory minimum hourly wage in the Netherlands is €14.06 for all employees aged 21 and older. For example, if you work full-time (40 hours per week), you’ll earn approximately €562 gross per week.
Thanks to this fixed hourly wage, you can estimate your weekly earnings based on the hours you work. Weekly hours may vary depending on the company’s workload. This provides flexibility but can also mean your weekly income may fluctuate. Check out our current vacancies here.
For workers under 21 years old, an adjusted youth minimum wage applies, which is gradually lower depending on your age.
Will the minimum wage in the Netherlands increase in 2025 and beyond?
Yes! In the Netherlands, the minimum wage is adjusted twice a year, on January 1 and July 1, to account for inflation and other economic developments. The new minimum hourly wage in 2025 represents a 2.75% increase compared to 2024.
Good to know: If you work through ABflexkracht, these changes are automatically implemented. This ensures you always receive a fair and competitive income. Plus, if you gain more experience or take on specific roles, you can often earn more than the minimum wage. As you grow in your role, you’ll also have a greater chance of getting a raise.
Wat will you earn if you are under 21 in the Netherlands in 2024/2025
Are you under 21? You’ll still earn a good salary in the Netherlands thanks to the statutory youth minimum wage. Below is an overview of the minimum hourly wages for young people in 2024 and 2025:
Youth minimum hourly wage in 2024 (July – December 2024)
Age | Hourly wage ( EUR) | Hourly wage (PLN, Converted) |
21 years and older | € 13,68 | 59,67 PLN |
20 years | € 10,94 | 47,70 PLN |
19 years | € 8,21 | 35,81 PLN |
18 years | € 6,84 | 29,81 PLN |
17 years | € 5,40 | 23,54 PLN |
16 years | € 4,72 | 20,58 PLN |
15 years | € 4,10 | 17,90 PLN |
Youth minimum hourly wage in 2025 (Starting January 1, 2025)
Age | Hourly wage ( EUR) | Hourly wage (PLN, converted) |
21 years and older | € 14,06 | 61,30 PLN |
20 years | € 11,25 | 49,05 PLN |
19 years | € 8,44 | 36,78 PLN |
18 years | € 7,03 | 30,65 PLN |
17 years | € 5,55 | 24,18 PLN |
16 years | € 4,85 | 21,15 PLN |
15 years | € 4,22 | 18,42 PLN |
These hourly wages apply to all young workers in the Netherlands, ensuring fair pay regardless of your age. Sign up now and start working in the Netherlands with ABflexkracht!
How to calculate your salary in the Netherlands
The minimum hourly wage helps you estimate how much you can earn per month. Here’s how:
You work 38 hours per week.
Hourly wage in 2025 (21 years and older): €14.06.
Weekly wage: 38 hours x €14.06 = €534.28
Note: This is a gross salary, meaning taxes and contributions are deducted from this amount. Additionally, health insurance costs and housing expenses are deducted weekly from your pay.
Gross vs. net salary: what does it mean for you?
In the Netherlands, you’ll see two amounts on your payslip: gross and net.
Gross salary: The total amount before taxes and contributions are deducted. This is the amount stated in your contract.
Net salary: The amount you actually receive after taxes and deductions, such as social insurance and pension contributions. This is your “take-home” pay in 2025.
How much will you take home?
This depends on several factors, including:
- Taxes and contributions: Based on your income and personal situation.
- Health insurance premium: Health insurance is mandatory in the Netherlands. We arrange health insurance for most employees, and the premium is deducted from your salary.
- Housing costs: Payment for your accommodation is deducted from your salary.
- Potential allowances: You may be eligible for certain allowances that increase your net income.
The role of the collective labor agreement (cao) – Fair pay according to Dutch standards
In the Netherlands, we operate under a collective labor agreement (cao). This means that as a Polish worker at ABflexkracht, you work under the same conditions as your Dutch colleagues. This ensures transparency about your salary and guarantees you earn no less than others in comparable roles.
For example, if you work in horticulture through ABflexkracht, you will receive the same hourly wage and allowances as your Dutch colleagues. This is called the “equal pay principle,” which includes:
- Periodic salary increases, just like your Dutch colleagues.
- Allowances for things like shift work, overtime, or working on holidays.
- Travel and expense reimbursements if relevant to your role.
This ensures you always receive a fair salary that meets Dutch standards.
The ABU phase system – From flexible work to job security
At ABflexkracht, we use the ABU phase system, which provides increasing job security the longer you work. The system consists of three phases:
Phase A (starting phase):
In this phase, you work flexibly with temporary contracts. You’ll gain experience in different companies and roles during this time. In Phase A, you can work up to 52 weeks with temporary contracts. If you take a break of six months or more in Phase A (or Phase B), you will start again in Phase A.
Phase B (growth phase):
After Phase A, you move into Phase B. Here, you can have up to six contracts and typically work at a fixed location, offering more stability. This phase lasts up to 36 months (3 years). In Phase B, you may already qualify for salary increases, a pension, and holiday pay in accordance with the cao of the company you work for.
Phase C (security phase):
In Phase C, you receive a permanent contract with ABflexkracht, guaranteeing stable work and income. From this point, you’ll build up a pension and receive holiday pay, just like permanent employees.
Phase | Duration | Contract type | Salary | Benefits |
Phase A | Up to 52 weeks | Flexible contracts (up to 6) | From €14.06 per hour | Flexibility and introduction to work in the Netherlands |
Phase B | Up to 36 months | Up to 6 contracts | Salary increase possible (cao) | More security and longer working periods per employer |
Phase C | Indefinite | Permanent contract | Salary increases according to cao | Stable income and job security |
Working in the Netherlands: how to manage your salary in 2025
Would you like to work in the Netherlands and make the most of your salary? With over 50 years of experience, ABflexkracht is here to guide you. Here are the key things you need to arrange in 2025 to maximize your earnings.
Apply for a BSN number: essential for salary payments
A BSN (Citizen Service Number) is mandatory in the Netherlands and ensures your salary is paid accurately and on time. Don’t have a BSN yet? No problem! We’ll accompany you to the town hall to apply for it.
→ Why is a BSN important for your salary?
- Accurate tax deductions: A BSN ensures your taxes are deducted correctly, so your net salary is accurate.
- Tax benefits: A BSN is required to apply for tax refunds and allowances.
Health insurance: mandatory and important for your net income
In the Netherlands, health insurance is mandatory. But don’t worry — ABflexkracht arranges health insurance for most of our employees. The cost is typically between €120 and €150 per month and is deducted from your salary. This way, you’re always well insured without any extra hassle.
Language and integration
Learning Dutch can significantly enhance your salary prospects. Employers value employees who speak the language, which can lead to promotions and salary increases. Read also: Working in the Netherlands without speaking Dutch: Is it possible?
→ Benefits for your salary:
- Higher positions: Access to better-paying jobs.
- Workplace efficiency: Better understanding of instructions can lead to improved performance and potential bonuses.
Tip: Consider taking language courses alongside your work. It’s an investment that can pay off with a higher salary in the long term. Learn more about ABflexkracht’s language courses here.
Timetracking and invoicing
To ensure your salary is paid correctly and on time, it’s essential to track your working hours accurately. ABflexkracht uses an electronic time registration system. Make sure your worked hours are recorded correctly and approved by your employer.
Costs of housing
When you work in the Netherlands through ABflexkracht, you can use our comfortable accommodations that meet all Dutch safety, privacy, and hygiene standards. Of course, there is a cost for housing, which is deducted from your salary. This amount is usually no more than 25% of your gross income. While this reduces your take-home pay, you won’t have to pay separate rent.
You don’t need to worry about finding suitable housing in the Netherlands — we’ve got everything arranged for you! Read more about our housing for EU temporary workers here.
Interested in working in the Netherlands in 2025?
We hope this information gives you a clear idea of what to expect if you work in the Netherlands through ABflexkracht in 2025. Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us — we’re happy to assist you!
Interested in working in the Netherlands? Get in touch today and discover what’s possible for you. We’re here to help you every step of the way!
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